Monday, July 25, 2011

holy ground...

as I walk, your footsteps echo mine for as long as I tread my path... I hear your life's breath as it moves the trees in time to my soul's heartbeat... your warmth embraces me as the sun splits the sky above in hues of gold and silver... you spread my wings and soar with me into visions of all that is Holy... all that I require is given selflessly and in abundance... your love for me is as for a child, cherished and held in sacred blessing... you are all at once, Father and Mother, Creator and comforter...

when I stray, your love allows for me to wander from my path... that same love knows that by allowing me the choice to choose, brings me back faster than any words could ever do... allowing me the chance to stumble and fall, builds me up and clears the way for our blessed reunion... your arms forever open and waiting to welcome in my shattered dreams and visions... unconditional and unencumbered...

your wish for me is to be all this and more, never striving to deny me anything, only to add to who I am and who I can be... grounded in lessons learned, dreams fulfilled, a destiny before me larger than anything I could have envisioned on my own... stay with me on these sacred grounds, guide and shape my being into value for this place... move my hands and my thoughts into actions of compassion and empathy... dry my tears and refresh my spirit... knowing you are always near, always ready, always loving... grounds my faith and steadies my feet for the next step...

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