Tuesday, March 29, 2011

are you all in...

are you authentic, being the person you "are" not the person you think you should be, or that which the world expects you to be. Are you "all in" meaning do you participate with all of your being.. yes that opens us up to be vulnerable, but offering anything less than all of ourselves is only part participation. Open to Love and joy, but also pain and some cloudy misery, all that which shapes and molds and forms us into beings. Being "all in" opens the door to a complete experience of being alive, no walls, no shields, no excuses for something half hearted.. scary stuff indeed.. but more scary than taking your last breath on your way out of this world and realizing you never fully engaged..in anything? Pain and hurt paves the way into the realisation that we are alive, and that when immersed in the good and fun and enjoyable, that this is being! Doesn't provide any guarantee that life will be perfect, but it will be life, a full life, a truly felt experience with no "do-overs" in sight.. nothing else in this world gets to participate 1/2 way. why should we want anything less than allowing our soul to be .. all in

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