Thursday, July 14, 2011

gracious gratitude...

gratitude... the word gets alot of airplay these days, especially after Miss O's "Gratitude Journal" became word of mouth, and a wonderful practice to undertake... a way to remind ourselves to give thanks for all that we are given and provided... all that we can and do take for granted daily, hourly, minute by minute... a way to sort through what really matters, a way rid ourselves of the fluff and flash that life throws unceasingly at us... sometimes though, I think we too readily "off the cuff" so to speak, fire off our gratitude without a second thought as to the delivery... a quick "thanks" because it is polite to do so, without feeling the words leave our lips... how much better to be gracious with our gratitude and allow the moment to be truly and fully felt...

think of what it would mean to you if someone said "Thank you, your attention to me is really heartfelt, and has made my day exceptional"... there is a difference between "efficient" and "effective"...
efficient is to run through the process politely... effective leaves a flavour of special-ness in it's wake...
think of the last time you had excellent customer service somewhere, and the difference in the clerk who took an "interest" rather than "took a number" in the way they assisted you...  the 2 seconds of time it takes to stretch out the gratitude for ourselves or someone else, can change history... who knows who you will change and impact by your willingness to be grateful...
what you put out truly returns to you two or threefold... and it's easy to do...

gratitude... speak it without reserve or hesitation... pray it humbly... receive it graciously, for if someone creates a blessed moment to shower you with it, do not turn away from their gift... give thanks for all that you are capable of in this place... be thankful for your skills, and that you are able to share them, be thankful for the lessons your journey has given you, for you can then teach them to others... be grateful for love given, love felt and for love lost, for it all has it's place in your soul...

as Meister Eckhart the theologian said
"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "Thank You", that would suffice"...

are you gracious in and with your gratitude?


  1. Oh,this is just wonderful...gracious gratitude...not casual but heartfelt.Lovely writing and thought.The quote is one of my favorites.Great job,so glad that I dropped in.Sharon

  2. Love those photos and that quote! That is one to teach the children! Thanks for Rewinding x
