Thursday, September 1, 2011


it's just a blue day...
the end of summer drawing near,
the crisp damp of morning air
replacing the dry days of early summer...


soon the texture of the landscape will begin its transformation into Fall,
changing colours heralded by the appearance of the first
southbound flocks of geese...
Autumn hues will soon scar the horizon, as the vibrant tones of Summer
retire for another year...


the days grow shorter, the warm rays of sunshine less intense,
a natural progression of the order of life...


a time for greetings to be interspersed with goodbyes,
a return to school and schedule, the onward push towards
the hustle and bustle of another year end...


all just a little bit blue...


1 comment:

  1. Because I love your blog, I've chosen you to receive the Versitile Blogger Award.

    See my post: x
