Wednesday, November 9, 2011


it's like a life preserver, buoyant and suspending.. lifting up from the deep into the bright lights of day...
each word written, filled with hope and promise and something so fresh and rare to find... honesty and mystery all wrapped into letters and sentences, prose...

you take my breath away,

in the little things already...

you never forget in brief quiet moments, to reach out and remind me that you are here, finally here... and me knowing that in these moments.. I too am here.. fully present and cognizant of each consonant and vowel lined up in a narrative of Love...
reaching out and grasping these thoughts and visions and dreams that have been revealed as the fog dissipates silently away... finally...

this is a story of Love which has no bounds and no chains... free to be explored and ingested and danced and sung... just one day like this, feels divine, the prospect of another and another and another feels almost indulgent, but they are ours to be lived... hand in hand, heart in heart we tread onwards to this destiny laid before us, a gift of here and now, a reward for the battle scars of the past, a reward for the unending faith that yes, this is possible and I will claim my share...

and then having you read my words, and understand where they flow from and not run from such powerful emotions, lets me glimpse deep within your spirit and see the mirror images of our longings... for you are just as present in this moment... just as ready to be fulfilled and nurtured and loved for exactly who you are today... scars, fractures and dents.. for they have lent a patina to your story which is only gained from having walked each step onwards in the face of life's onslaught...

as we walk forward and begin to intertwine our existence together like heavy fruit laden grape vines, know that I am now who I was prepared to be for our journey, and that along this path I will walk beside you, until such time as you can not go on, then I shall carry you...

for my beloved, you have saved me and enriched my journey... I am blessed and transformed...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful...hopeful...heart soaring words...enjoy this precious at its
    most glorious...thank you for the words and pictures....
