Sunday, August 7, 2011

this rivers edge...

Reason and faith are both banks of the same river. 
~Doménico Cieri Estrada
stand with me at this rivers edge and watch the swirling current as it flows past our gaze... stand with me in comfortable silence, eyes fixed on the movement, souls embraced for this moment... stand with me at this rivers edge knowing the journey that must be undertaken, this journey that may leave us broken and battered but joyous and blessed... stand with me at this rivers edge, believe that I will be what you need to wade through the sadness and the pain, that I will carry you, when you can no longer press on...

tread with me past this rivers edge, out into the current where nothing is certain and our footing unknown... tread with me past this rivers edge to face the fear of ourselves... grip it tightly and demand it teach you the lessons it withholds from you... demand it dissolve away into ripples that emanate outwards leaving memories but no chains with which to bind you any longer... command the doubts be silenced and discarded...

wade with me past this rivers edge out into the rush of cleansing water, embrace the chance to dilute all that has come before with new vision and see that filled with new opportunity and light... wade with me past this rivers edge out into the depths where your feet no longer touch earth, and feel the lightness of your being as the passage from old to new reaches out in encompassing embrace... know that I am beside you though each memory made and felt... know that I am, just as you are, renewed and purified and healed...

bless with me this rivers edge, climbing out of the rush and onto a firm new foundation... bless with me this rivers edge where all feels reborn and limitless... our journey undertaken as one... this new landscape where everything is possible and abundant... our journey has bathed us in peace and security, has peeled away the layers of stagnant inaction and sorrow... drink in the nourishing gift of tranquility and bask in the glow of your own strength...

this is but one rivers edge on our journey, one chance to be free and to reflect... when you come to the rivers edge, fear not the crossing, instead fear the decisions of inaction... what is put before you is never more than you are capable of walking... and you are never alone... lean on those who's own paths lay as a shadow stretching before you... reach for the wisdom and the love... where are you on this rivers edge....

You cannot step into the same river twice. 
~Heraclitus, in Diogenes Laertius, Lives

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